The Breaking Point;
A Full Circle Journey
If you wanted to be transformed and uplifted purchase your copy today. All of us at some point go through break ups and breakdowns but many don't make it to the next phases. Those next phases are breakthrough and breakout. Allow Michelle to teach you how to go through the process of facing your fears and pain. Through her own personal journey, you will realize that transformation is the only option. She will challenge you to reflect deeper chapter by chapter and unleash your purpose.
The Self Vows
If you have a desire for a love that connects to daily evolution, happiness, and freedom, commit to this book of love. Finally, you will learn and accept that you will never leave you. When you commit to self in that way, you will find it much easier to commit to another. I give you ultimate transparency in this book. My desire is to connect to you through my journey, the journeys of others, and well-thought-out questions that will penetrate deep within if you allow them to. I commit to taking this journey with you. Every time you open this book, it symbolizes me showing up to guide you through a path that can be a most difficult one.

The Vows
Whether you are thinking about being married, are engaged, currently married, or considering divorce, The Vows, by author Dr. Michelle R. Hannah, offers a detailed explanation of the marriage vows and guides you through tough conversations about your relationship. It outlines the Vows program created by Hannah. Filled with a host of exercises, this interactive guide asks the deep, personal questions many couples tend to avoid. It walks you through each vow in a detailed way, pulling you into a mindfulness state as you journey through each chapter.